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prior reasoning中文是什么意思

用"prior reasoning"造句"prior reasoning"怎么读"prior reasoning" in a sentence


  • 先验推理


  • They would like some prior reasons for choosing this form .
  • 2 ) considering widespread extent in our country and facility of autocad , a prior reason is the compatibility and inheritance of between 3d modeling system and hecad which is accomplished by means of adsrx and visual c + + 5 . 0 , this dissertation selected objectarx 2000 and visual c + + 6 . 0 based on autocad and 3ds max
    2 )在开发环境及工具方面考虑到aut 。 cad的简易性和国内的普及程度,更重要的是考虑到与“中心”在国家九五项目中己完成的大型软件系统hecad的兼容性和继承性( hecad是在aut 。
用"prior reasoning"造句  
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